
1月24日 星期三 荨麻疹的罪魁祸首?

看过医生之后KP吃了三天ZYRTEC,星期一身上没再起包,历时近一周的荨麻疹貌似好了。吃的方面我们本来就比较注意,应该不是问题,后来再仔细回想,爸爸说是不是地毯上喷的STAIN REMOVER没吸干净?妈妈又想起那几天洗完头抹了一些平时不用的GEL,而KP最近特别喜欢啃妈妈的头发。上周后面几天再也不敢用那些东西,也许就是它们,看来妈妈只好以披头散发为主了。

3 条评论:

AndyL 说...

Hi, ZF & YF, Happy New Year from College Park! Surprised that KP got eczema as Winston did at 6 months old. W was "cured" by a magical ointment from the Beijing Children Hospital. Will be happy to share the info if you are interested. Shelby's blog at http://blog.sina.com.cn/m/BiaoFeng may write about it. Take care.

AndyL 说...
AndyL 说...